
Friday, January 25, 2013

Our Story

I just realized that not many people know how Mike and I met or came about and the reason is that we kept it a secret for so long, but we had to let it out when Olivia passed away. I met Mike at my last job working in a Financial Aid office. I think I was stuffing envelopes or something when he came in, and I remember thinking how cute he was but that there was no way he was single. He sat down, got settled, and turned to our boss Shauna and asked how her weekend was and I responded. Haha, I was SO embarrassed when I realized that he wasn't talking to me. He ended up training me so I got to know him a little more and found out that he had a girlfriend so I left it at that.

I remember him fighting with this girl every day. He would take his cell conversation outside and argue with her for an hour and then ask for my advice. They eventually broke up, and then I found out I was pregnant. I took my the pregnancy on my lunch break... bad idea. I went back to work, but couldn't focus so I finally went in to talk to Mike. I told him that I was pregnant and he asked if I wanted to go for a walk. We walked around the building and talked about it for a while and he convinced me to go home, so I did. We hung out a couple of times after that... once at his place watching 'Look who's talking' and eating a ton of junk food, and once at the coast. During the coast trip I realized that I liked him and got scared. I didn't want to like him more and then have it not work out due to the pregnancy or us working together (I needed my job more than ever), the timing was just really bad. After that, we stopped hanging out after work but continued to be really good friends at work.

Eventually he started hanging out with his ex girlfriend and would tell me about his dates with other girls and I found myself really not caring. Hormones will do funny things to girls when it comes to being attracted to guys. I really had no desire to date him anymore and it really was all about being friends. He was starting to know me better than anyone and was always there when I needed him to bring me gas when I ran out or needed to vent, and he had a drawer full of treats perfect for a pregnant woman. People at work would ask why I didn't date him, and to be honest the thought made cringe, he was more like a brother now.

I really started missing him when I was on my maternity leave, but we would IM and he would let me know how everyone was doing. He decided to come down one night to take Livvy and I to dinner. It was nice and it was really good to see him... he actually made me excited to go back to work! When I went back to work everything was different. I wanted to look good every day, I would get jealous when he would talk about his ex, and I would even blush and get butterflies when we talked.

I can't remember how it came up but the week after the 4th of July I asked him to go to the Coast with Livvy and I and he said yes. I didn't really think that he wanted to go, but didn't care at the same time, I was really excited and I knew that we would have fun. We never run out of things to talk about and talked the entire way there while Olivia slept. That was the most fun, besides the first time we went together, that I've ever had. We put a blanket on the sand and he took so many pictures of Olivia and I without me even asking. We played frisbee while Olivia slept, had some lunch, and listened to music. Then we decided to find some dinner and dessert and went home. When we got back to my house I didn't want him to leave, and was already excited to see him the next day. He was so good with Olivia and he's always been good to me.

Our first official date and first kiss was the weekend after that, and we became official the next week when I got asked out on a date, and wasn't sure if I should go. It's been a crazy ride but I couldn't imagine a better guy to go on it with and I can't wait to be his wife!!

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