
Thursday, November 29, 2012

Our new addition

Jet Michael Wilson
November 20, 2012
7 lbs 15 oz, 20 inches

We are so excited to announce the birth of our son! Even though I tried for weeks to naturally induce labor I never expected that he would come as early as he did. Monday morning started out like any other morning. I had a doctors appointment at 10:00 and they decided to do some monitoring due to his decreased movement. I had a contraction while they were monitoring and his heart rate dropped in the middle of it so they sent me to the hospital for continued monitoring and an ultra sound. They monitored us for 2 hours and his heart rate never dropped again, his ultrasound was perfect, and he had woken up and was moving like crazy so they sent us home.

I really didn't want to go home and be lazy. I was hoping that some more walking might get things going so we decided to run some last minute errands and try to finish some Christmas shopping. While we were at home goods I started to feel really weird and was having a hard time standing up and walking around so we decided to go home. We made dinner and then everything went back to normal so at 11:00 I decided that nothing was going to happen and it was time to go to bed.

My water broke as soon as I fell asleep! I jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Mike kept asking what was going on but I didn't want to say anything until I was sure. I called the nurse while Mike ran around like a chicken with his head cut off and they told us to come in as soon as possible. The contractions started on the way to the hospital and holy cow they were painful!! I wanted to kill someone. After about an hour and a half and 4 attempts they finally got my IV in and I was able to get my epidural. I could finally relax and enjoy the labor. Mike and I let our families know and told them not to rush thinking that Jet wouldn't come until later in the morning. We exchanged new mommy/daddy gifts and then decided to get some rest. They checked on the baby at 4:30 and said he was ready. I was freaking out! You prepare for this moment for 9 months but when it actually happens it can be so overwhelming. I was flooded with emotions. they said that they would give us another hour and then we would deliver. I tried to get some sleep. At 5:30 they came back in and everyone was ready to go. The nurse woke Mike up and he was so confused. As soon as he realized what was happening though, he jumped right up and was ready.

12 minutes later we went from two to three, it's crazy. We waited SO long for this moment and nothing could have prepared us for how amazing it would be. Our family is finally complete!

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